Exclusive: Modify The Code With Trailer For Documentary 'The Hacker Wars'

The Hacker WarsFor most of us, going online is little more than opening our browser, checking some email, seeing the latest on our social media outlets and then moving on. But for a select few, clicking a mouse can be an act of protest, and in collaboration with like-minded individuals living thousands of miles and multiple time zones away, these hacktivists can do more with code than with placards on the street. The upcoming documentary "The Hacker Wars" explores the act of hacktivism from all sides.

Directed by Vivien Lesnik Weisman and including contributions from journalist Glenn Greenwald, the film tells the stories of infamous hacker "weev," journalist/activist Barrett Brown, Jeremy Hammond, and online FBI informant Sabu, and how information uncovered by hacktivists has shaped recent crucial human events, as well as the media landscape.

"The Hacker Wars" opens in theaters on Friday, October 17th. Watch a trailer for the film below.