Russell Crowe Not Quite Ready To Roll With RZA In 'The Man With The Iron Fist'

We have to admit, it really sounded too good to be true when RZA dropped the news that Russell Crowe would be starring in his soon-to-be-filming kung fu epic “The Man With The Iron Fist.” Speaking at the VMAs, RZA had said that Crowe was going to be playing “the baddest man alive” in his film, but it looks like the master thespian isn’t quite ready to commit.

Crowe hit Twitter earlier this week to say, “I’m not officially on RZA’s gig. He’s a good friend,inspirational guy, we will see what happens.” Boo-urns. We figure things are still being negotiated and contracts need to be signed and whatnot, but we really hope it pans out. It would be a lot of fun to see Crowe do a 180 on his usual Very Serious Roles and let loose a little bit.

Filming on the project is to begin soon in Hong Kong with a budget of $20 million. Plot details are for now being kept under wraps but Eli Roth, who co-wrote the film, says RZA’s “reinventing the Kung Fu movie genre.”