Jonah Hill Tacitly Wants You To Know 'Transformers 2' Sucks, Michael Bay Still A Douche

Jonah Hill was reportedly offered one of the lead roles in Michael Bay’s ‘Transformers 2,’ but after only twenty pages into the surely-complex script he allegedely turned put down the script and silently walked out of the room.

Bold, right? A 24-year-old up and coming actor turning down one of the most financially bankable directors in Hollywood.

Well not if the script being read was being directed by an overrated hack that runs around his sets as though he’s in the grips of a a meth addiction. How bad does a script need to be that you can’t stomach twenty page? Was it that full of absurd special effects? Was the chubby sidekick in the script (named Jonah of course) that insipid to offend? This scenario would not be far-fetched taking into account the quality of the original “Transformers” script and Bays history of over the top projects that end up as lackluster blockbusters. Until we hear otherwise, props to Hill for his tacit attempt to warn us that ‘Transformers 2’ sucks. [ed. gee, like we needed him to tell us that].

Written by contributor Spencer Martin