Taylor Swift & Alison Pill Being Lined Up To Play Joni Mitchell & Carole King In 'Girls Like Us'

nullCasting anybody in the roles of the legendary Joni Mitchell and Carole King was always going to be a difficult task, but these choices — well, one in particular — will be sure to draw some interesting scrutiny and controversy.

In the works for a while now — with John Sayles announced to be writing the film over a year ago — casting is underway with Taylor Swift and Alison Pill as the leading contenders to play Mitchell and King respectively. An adaptation of Sheila Weller’s “Girls Like Us,” the film will track the careers of Carly Simon, Joni Mitchell and Carole King, who all emerged out of the '60s folk scene and not only became pioneering musicians, but also important feminist figures as well. It's a great story, but we have to say, Swift feels like a bizarre choice. Yes, she has the pipes, but does she have the acting range or the skill to embody the artist who did everything from touring with Bob Dylan to experimenting with jazz, and in many ways is exactly the opposite in every possible way from the manufactured pop and persona of Swift? But hey, Swift gets things greenlit we guess (and this project still needs a green light).

As for Pill, we think she's actually fine for King, and we like her as an actress overall so no problems there. But unlike Swift, we don't think her name alone could get this moving. The two are apparently just a couple among a number of actresses who have been auditioning, and there's no word yet on who is linked to the Carly Simon part. Should it all come together and Sony gives the thumbs up, cameras will roll later this year. With the Coens going down the folk path with their own "Inside Llewyn Davis," is a revival around the corner? [Variety]