Shia LaBeouf's 'Born Villain' Video Continues Marilyn Manson's Love Affair With Alejandro Jodorowsky

So, remember yesterday when we told you about “Born Villain,” Shia LaBeouf‘s collaboration with fading shock rocker Marilyn Manson? Well, it’s a combination photography/artbook and short film, and in addition to its premier tonight at Space 15 Twenty in Los Angeles, a lengthy music video has hit the interwebs. If this video confirms anything, it’s that Manson really, really loves Alejandro Jodorowsky.

You might recall that Manson has long been attached to Jodorowsky’s next-film-that-is-never-going-to-happen “Abel Cain” so instead he and director LaBeouf have just decided to lift imagery wholesale from his catalog. And if that’s not enough, they toss in some lines from “Macbeth,” add some nudity, some random bits of other “shocking” imagery and score it to some new, terrible music from Manson and there you go. This is pretty much the closest Manson will get to anything remotely associated with an actual Jodorowsky project, and we suppose if it turns the few hundred fans he still has on to the cult director, that might be a good thing. But man, this writer just fell down the rabbit hole of Manson’s website/blog and stumbled across an entry titled Rapeture which makes us question how this guy was ever popular. Though we suppose his constant raging against the system was always pretty high school in nature.

Anyway, you can check it out below. Be warned it’s NSFW and also pretty fucking boring. [via ONTD]

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