Why On Earth Is Take That Going To Be On The Soundtrack For 'X-Men: First Class'?

Sorry, Matthew Vaughn. We think you’re great but dude, you have shit taste in music. While in pretty much every other department “X-Men: First Class” is looking like the classiest comic joint of the summer, that’s all about to be gummed up by what is sure to be one of the oddest closing songs of a period set movie ever.

At first, we didn’t quite believe the reports that circled among the Brit press last week, but now that there is more official confirmation, we’re still a bit flabbergasted. Brit boy band Take That — kind of the Blighty New Kids On The Block if you will — will have their new song “Love Love” play over the end credits of “X-Men: First Class” this summer. Unless they’ve suddenly gone all ’60s, that will be some kind of jarring outro to the retro film, but it’s not the first time the band and Vaughn have worked together. In fact, the director used their absolutely terrible “Rule The World” to close out “Stardust” — what is with Vaughn and aging boy bands?

Anyway, we’ll get our first taste of the tune when Take That premiere it live at the National Movie Awards in the U.K. on May 11th. But if you miss the show don’t worry, the song will be on every print of the movie when it opens on June 3rd. [NewsOnNews]