Joss Whedon Says There's Room For Girls In 'The Avengers'

Nerd alert! OK, this is sort of dorky news (even for us), but director/writer Joss Whedon has essentially said that “The Avengers” won’t just be a sausage party and will have…(wait for it), gasp!… another girl in the movie.

Ew! Cooties! Don’t get too excited. This isn’t likely the Scarlett Witch, Ms. Marvel or Wasp. Whedon tells the Australian press (via Moviehole) that “It is true that the movie is only going to have one female Avenger,” Whedon said of Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow role. “But she will not be the only female character.” Hint!

So perhaps a female villain? Could this possibly mean the rumors that Alice Eve could join the “The Avengers” in a villain role are true? Either way, it’s good to hear that “The Avengers” movie won’t be a total boys club when it finally arrives in theaters May 4, 2011.

Will the film contain any of the other sub-character ‘Avengers’ (i.e. Wonder Man, Quicksilver, Vision, Black Panther, Ms. Marvel)? We assume since they’ve already announced Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, that’s very doubtful. These films will cost a bundle in effects as it is and another character means another dollar and cheapo Marvel ain’t about to let another dollar slide.