Amusing: Fake Lucas Lee Movie Posters From 'Scott Pilgrim'

Fake movie posters are always a lot of fun, and while the fake films for “Tropic Thunder” probably out-do these fake posters from “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World,” they’re still pretty amusing. These posters (“Let’s Hope There’s a Heaven” is our favorite, frankly) all center around Chris Evans’ character, Lucas Lee, who is an evil ex-boyfriend of Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and a professional skateboarder-turned-actor (it’s always been presumed this character is a knock on Jason Lee who is exactly that: a pro skateboarder-turned-actor, though we must say Lee is more affable and charming than the Lucas Lee douchebag character is).

“Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” hits theaters next Friday on August 13th. Ok, maybe we’d go see “Action Doctor” too. [Empire]