Christian Grey's Brother Added To Cast Of 'Fifty Shades Of Grey'

Luke Grimes

So, next summer Universal is going to try and make Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson “happen” in the sexytimes blockbuster “Fifty Shades Of Grey.” Whether or not the pop cultural phenomenon will cross over into a big screen hit remains to be seen. This writer wonders if people really want to share their kinks collectively at the multiplex, but I digress. Either way it’s happening and more actors are joining.

Luke Grimes, perhaps best known for his TV stints on “True Blood” and “Brothers & Sisters,” has joined the movie as Elliot Grey, which as you probably figured out, is Christian Grey’s brother. I haven’t read the book and I won’t, but here’s what Wiki had to say: 

Elliot Grey is the adoptive son of Carrick Grey and Dr. Grace Trevelyan-Grey  and elder brother to Christian Grey and Mia Grey. He is introduced in Fifty Shades of Grey  when he accompanies his brother Christian to pick up a drunk Anastasia Steele at a bar in Portland. There he meets Kate Kavanagh , who becomes his girlfriend and eventually his wife. He and Kate then have a daughter named Ava Grey. He becomes the uncle of Theodore Raymond Grey and Phoebe Grey and brother-in-law to Anastasia Steele.

Yay, nay? Tell us obsessive fans of the book series. “Fifty Shades Of Grey” arrives on August 1, 2014. [Variety]