Amanda Seyfried Joins David Lynch's 'Twin Peaks' In New Pivotal Role

While We're Young
First thing’s first: the makers of Showtime‘s 2017 "Twin Peaks," namely David Lynch and Mark Frost, are sick of potential spoilers and don’t’ want fans — who have been snapping photos in Washington State, where filming is currently taking place  giving away details. It’s gotten to the point that they’ve reached out through various channels and asked fans to stop. Frost and Lynch released the following statement via Twin Peaks Festival.

READ MORE: "He’s Directing It As One Long Movie": Twin Peaks Starts Shooting In September

"We’re so happy people are excited about being back to where it all began. Like any good mystery, it’s all suppose to be top secret, and would love it if everyone helped keep it that way!"

One of the major fan sites, Twin Peaks Archives, responded and will acquiesce, although doing so through obvious disappointment. They wrote:

All things must pass. Whilst up in Washington watching the filming of the new Twin Peaks, we heard through the grapevine that David Lynch was unpleased that fans were taking photos of the filming and uploading them to various sites on the internet. Even though everyone I witnessed was being courteous and staying on public sidewalks etc, apparently this was just too much for Lynch. So, we decided to abide by Mr. Lynch’s wishes. We will post stills of the filming process once the final episode of the series airs. I know many of you are disappointed by this, but hey, it is what it is.

So, while that might be a bummer for fans, they still have the trades to reveal some secrets. TVLine reports that Amanda Seyfried ("Les Miserables," "While We’re Young") has joined the cast. The report has no details because, naturally, the role is being kept under wraps, though the trade says she’ll play a pivotal new character. (They also randomly speculate that maybe she’s Cooper’s and Annie’s daughter.)

Nine hours of "Twin Peaks" was originally announced, but it’s already said that the show will run much longer (we’ve heard up as high as eighteen, but we’ll see). Frost and Lynch wrote every episode, and the plan is for Lynch to direct every episode. "Muholland Drive" and "Lost Highway" cinematographer Peter Deming is presumably shooting every episode.

At the Television Critics Association summer press tour earlier this summer Showtime president David Nevins hinted that fans can expect “familiar faces” to rejoin the cast. “You should be optimistic that the people that you want [back] will be there, and then there will be some surprises in addition.”