Hollywood logic is pretty simple: if something is a success, find a way to keep printing money by making a sequel or spinoff. So, when "Horrible Bosses" earned over $205 million worldwide in 2011, Warner Bros. of course put the wheels in motion for a followup. "Horrible Bosses 2" arrived two years later and essentially did half the business of its predecessor, earning a collective shrug from audiences. Sometimes moviegoers are happy enough taking one trip down the block with a movie, no matter how successful, and Jason Bateman admits that was likely the case with "Horrible Bosses."
“A lot of people saw the first one, but there are plenty of films that made a lot of money where no one is interested in seeing another one,” the actor said on WTF With Marc Maron.
Sounds like the air was coming out of "Horrible Bosses 2" before it even started, which begs the question: why bother in the first place? Oh right, because the first one made money. But perhaps it would’ve been best to leave it at that. Listen to Bateman’s full conversation below. [Uproxx]