Watch: It’s Clobbering Time In The New Trailer For Josh Trank’s ‘Fantastic Four’

Fantastic FourWell, the narrative has certainly changed fast on “Fantastic Four.” Even if the movie is great, which it could be, it now enters theaters—at least for hardcore movie fans in the know—with a cloud hanging over its head given that it was recently reported that director Josh Trank was allegedly fired from his ‘Star Wars’ anthology film because of his unpredictable behavior on the set of 20thCentury Fox’s upcoming super hero film. What the Hollywood Reporter alleges Trank did wasn’t that bad, really, but it’s the sting of reputation—reported to be isolating, indecisive, etc.—that may precede him going forward.

More importantly, baring on “Fantastic Four” itself, it sounds as if Trank butted heads with producer Simon Kinberg, and because of problems on the set, Kinberg and others were brought on to manage the picture to the finish line (though refuting this claim, Kingberg has defended his director often). Does this mean Trank isn’t part of the film any longer? No, DGA rules and the media would have a field day. But it probably does mean that Trank had to cede much or some of his directorial power to Kinberg and 20th Century Fox.

Does that mean this imbroglio will affect the film? Possibly not and it wouldn’t be the first time that an acrimony on a film set still yielded a good movie (Trank has strenously denied all the rumors thus far). But it is drama and it will make savvy audiences lean in closer to pay attention. “Fanastic Four” was dogged with rumors of problems for months before THR’s troubling report hit, so if the movie feels at all like it’s the vision of committee or compromise, there will already be blood in the water.

That’s the drama though. “Fantastic Four” itself? Well, it’s said to be modeled after “Batman Begins” and its tone looks like the opposite of the goofy Tim Story-helmed movies, but as self-serious as it seems, it doesn’t appear half bad either. Regardless, Fox is slowly peeling layers off its secrets and has done so a bit more with the latest trailer. The cast of the movie is young, Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Bell, but if the rumors of the new “X-Men” films are true—aka no Hugh Jackman and the original cast—there age does line up with younger players in “X-Men: Apocalypse” which does lend credence to all crossover whispers. That might be getting ahead of ourselves. First we have to deal with “Fantastic Four” itself which hits theaters August 7.

The gang were all in place at Comic-Con over the weekend where they unveiled a new trailer. There’s also a new rumor making the rounds that says plans to release "Fantastic Four" in 3D have been canceled, but I’d take that with a grain of salt until if/when its confirmed. That said, there is no mention of 3D in this trailer, though it does say you can see it on Premium Large Format Screens/ And one last little tidbit, Trank has revealed that rapper El-P has recorded a new song for the film in the closing credits. Meanwhile, the new trailer is here so watch below along with some new featurettes.

Fantastic FourFantastic FourFantastic Four