Clint Eastwood's J.Edgar Hoover Film Shooting Later This Year; DiCaprio Confirmed For Lead

Ok, a minor update, but an update nonetheless. Leonardo DiCaprio might attach himself to myriad projects that still have yet to surface — “Beat The Reaper,” an Untitled Online Gambling film, “Travis McGee,” a Viking epic with Mel Gibson and the hot script “Prisoners” just to name a few, and that’s not even half the ones he’s associated with — but Clint Eastwood does not move at such a leisurely, “yeah, I’ll think about it pace.” In fact, he’s travels at the exact opposite clip.

Earlier this year, DiCaprio was eyeing the role of FBI bureau chief J.Edgar Hoover in a planned biopic written by Dustin Lance Black (“Milk”). Having likely completed “Hereafter” and generally shooting films back to back these days, Eastwood is now set to shoot “Hoover” later this year which means DiCaprio is officially on board.

We read the script earlier this year and for the most part, really dug it with only minor reservations. [Deadline]