Henry Cavill Says 'Batman v. Superman' Is Not A 'Man Of Steel' Sequel, But "A Separate Entity Altogether"

Batman V. Superman: Dawn of JusticeIf you’re tired of arguing about the merits of the "Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice" trailer, too bad —here’s something else to debate. To most rational people, ‘Batman v. Superman’ would be considered a sequel to "Man Of Steel." After all, next year’s film is from the same director, features much of the same cast, and is in theory a continuation of that story. But BVS:DOJ star Henry Cavill doesn’t see it that way at all, and chatting with MTV at CinemaCon, he elaborated on the semantics of whether or not the upcoming movie is indeed a sequel.

“I wouldn’t call this a [‘Man of Steel’] sequel. This is Batman versus Superman. It’s a separate entity altogether. It’s introducing the Batman character and expanding upon the universe, which was kicked off by ’Man of Steel,’” Cavill said. I dunno, that sounds like the definition of a sequel to me, but what do I know?

“Everything could change in the editing room, but as it stands, it’s an introduction of the [new, post Nolan Batman] character,” Cavill added. “And ultimately, the introduction of Justice League.” Well, we knew that, but at least based on the title, this is still Superman’s story to large degree right?

Anyway, argue about it below. There’s still about a year to go until the film arrives on March 16, 2016.