Carey Mulligan has kept a bit of a low profile over the past year, but she’s got big things coming in 2017. The actress is already part of the Oscar buzz surrounding “Mudbound,” which premiered at Sundance to strong reviews and walked out of Park City with a Netflix deal. And on the horizon is Paul Dano‘s directorial debut “Wildlife,” which wrapped in the fall. Now, she’s getting ready for a small-screen turn in a promising new project.
Deadline reveals that Mulligan will star in the four-part limited series “Collateral.” No, it’s not a remake of the Michael Mann movie. Rather, it’s penned by David Hare (“The Hours,” “The Reader“) and is described as “a modern day state of the nation project which takes place over four days.” Those are all the details given at the moment, but it’s safe to presume it’s going to tackle some timely material.
Mulligan’s last time working with Hare-penned material found her earning a Tony nomination for her performance in “Skylight” on Broadway, so it’s definitely worth keeping on eye on “Collateral.”