Netflix has a handful of wildly popular shows, but none of them are as wackily pulpy as “The Umbrella Academy.” Based on the Dark Horse Comics series of the same name, the show centers around a batch of dysfunctional superheroes who time travel to stave off apocalypses. They’re a surrogate family of sorts, all adopted after the mysterious event that caused their birth by a wealthy industrialist who’s also an extra-dimensional being. Yeah, there’s a lot going on in this one.
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Still, critics and audiences agree that the show hit its stride in season two, with plenty of dry wit amid the end-of-the-world antics. Now, the show returns for its much-anticipated third season. As the preview posters indicate, there’s a new Sparrow Academy to reckon with in the new reality the Umbrella team finds themselves in.
“The Umbrella Academy” boasts a large ensemble cast, and most of them return for the show’s new season. Eliot Page leads the troupe, with Tom Hopper, David Castañeda, and Emma Raver-Lampman. Robert Sheehan, Aidan Gallagher, Colm Feore, Justin H. Min, and Rita Arya also return. The Sparrow newcomers include Justin Cornwell, Britne Oldford, Jake Epstein, Genesis Rodriguez, and Cazzie David.
The new season will reportedly follow Gerard Way‘s latest and fourth volume of the comic, also set for release this year. Will it be a simultaneous release for both series? Time will tell. In any case, expect answers to questions about The Sparrow Academy, Hotel Oblivion, and the team’s figurehead, Sir Rupert Hargreeves.
There is no official release date for the latest season of “The Umbrella Academy,” but expect it on Netflix sometime this spring. Check out the new trailer below.