'All Good Things' Move To December?

Andrew Jarecki’s “All Good Things,” might be the unwanted step-child on the Weinstein Company roster and has seen about four release date bumps this year.

Then again, it might be all just due to TWC’s financial issues. The film was originally scheduled for the spring, was bumped into summer and then was said to bow in the fall. Now according to Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB and Wiki, the film has a December 11 release date.

Sure, IMDB and Wiki are not reliable sources, but RT generally is on the money and usually don’t list films that don’t have concrete date — see the Weinstein Company film “Shanghai,” rumored to hit in the fall, but still without a concrete release date on Tomatoes (contradictory info: “Shanghai” is on TWC’s “Coming Soon” section without a date, and meanwhile, “All Good Things” isn’t even there).

Andrew Jarekci is the Academy Award-nominated documentarian behind, “Capturing The Friedmans” and “All Good Things” — which stars, Ryan Gosling, Kirsten Dunst, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Frank Langella — is his feature-length narrative debut. See you in December? More info and plot details in our last, lengthy post on the mystery drama.