Could Benjamin Button Go 0-13 on Oscar Night?

Not a chance. But that didn’t stop Defamer from outlining the far-fetched scenario in which the pic with the most nominations puts up a bagel. We’re yet to actually meet anyone that thinks ‘Button’ is as good as the Academy would indicate. But then again their penchant for sappy, over the top, excessively conceptual dramas is well documented.

Success in the technical awards is probably a foregone conclusion, although they argue “The Dark Knight” could do well in those categories behind sympathy for being snubbed elsewhere. At this point we would settle for a shutout in the areas it’s most undeserving – Brad Pitt’s monotone, heavily CGI assisted performance, Eric Roth’s recycling of the script that won him an award in 1994, and a Best Picture that nobody loved. What we would give to be a fly on the wall at whatever party David Fincher stumbled in to, if this were to actually play out…