More Watchmen Case: Warners Finally "Freaked Out"? Fox Responds To Producer Larry Gordon

A little bit more “Watchmen” trial for you before the weekend starts.

Obviously, a settlement looks likely, a Fox lawyer added that “continued exchanges on the subject of resolution that have been productive,” and the New York Times is reporting that Judge Gary A. Feess has set a new date for a hearing for 3:30 pm Monday (we imagine that’s PST).

You think we’ve been hard on producer Larry Gordon (and Levin), but everyone’s is not buying his bull. Nikki Finke is telling him to “shut up” already and 20th Century Fox has already responded to his letter.

Fox’s official response is:

“We appreciate Mr. Levin’s passion for this project, but he has neglected basic facts and legal rulings. First, Fox notified Warner Bros of our rights in this project months before production on the film began — they chose to ignore our rights on this occasion and several times after that and proceeded at their own risk; 2) only after having our rights in the film deliberately ignored by Warner Bros. did we take the action of filing litigation in order to have those rights recognized; and 3) on Judge Feess’ Christmas Eve order, he specifically ruled that WB had been timely notified and that Fox, in fact, had the rights we asserted. There is no question of who is right and who is wrong. That has been decided through the litigation that we had hoped to avoid, and we refer interested parties to the court’s ruling to confirm these statements.”

It’s true. Why the geeks gave credence to Levin’s open letter when the Judge had basically already ruled on the case is anyone’s guess, but our guess is wanton naivete and obviously they’re personally invested in the film. Why is WB finally willing to settle now? Because as as one source told Nikki Finke, “Warner Bros is finally freaked out.”

Finke also rakes Gordon over the coals for finally coming out of the woodwork to comment. “I’m not sure which is more hilarious — Larry breaking public silence and feigning righteous indignation, or Larry blaming Fox and his former lawyers Bloom Dekom for the past confusion and current mess, or Larry thinking anybody in their right mind would believe anything he says at this late date.”

If the settlement details do come to light, expect them to come in favor for Fox who has WB over a barrel. For all those geek who hate Fox, you’re probably going to be indirectly lining their pockets when you go see the Snyder-directed film in March.