Ridley Scott Adds Football Head Injury Drama To List Of Things He Might Direct Eventually


You would think for a guy that has two mega-sequels just waiting for him in “Prometheus 2” and “Blade Runner 2,” not to mention about a zillion other producing gigs, Ridley Scott might want to focus up a bit. But he has never been one to leave anything to chance. Scott has always got a half-dozen or dozen projects in the mix at any minute, so why not add another one?

While he’s currently in production on his Bible epic “Exodus,” Scott and producing partner Giannina Facio are meeting writers to find someone to tackle a football drama. But this ain’t “Any Given Sunday.” Instead, Scott wants to take on a Big Issue, in this case, the controversy around head injuries in the NFL that has almost become an epidemic. The past few years have seen various player testimonials, backed by growing scientific evidence, that head trauma and frequent concussions have effects that are devastating long after players leave the field. With long term effects including dementia and depression, it has at led to a couple high profile NFL players to commit suicide.

So yeah, potentially interesting but lord knows if this will actually ever get made. So until if/when that happens, we urge you to watch last year’s slept on documentary “Head Games” (review here) about the same subject. Trailer below. [Deadline]