Director Sofia Coppola’s latest film, “The Bling Ring,” is currently playing in theaters across the nation. Though that might not be readily apparent as the film is quietly flying under the radar amongst the heavy duty summer films battling it out at the box office. Regardless of its financial success, the movie has scored moderately well amongst critics. Though it isn’t blowing anyone away, the general consensus seems to be that it falls in line with the rest of Sofia’s work (you can check out our own review of the film right here).
And in case you want to a quick recap of where the filmmaker has been to where she is now, Sofia Coppola sat down with Total Film to discuss her entire career. It’s a daunting challenge that is magically accomplished in four minutes. You can check out the video below. In it she discusses how she adapted “The Virgin Suicides” for the big screen, the mixed reaction to “Marie Antoinette,” and what they whispered to each other at the end of “Lost in Translation.” We’re kidding about that last part…
Anyway, give it a quick look below.