Rosa Parks Didn't Call Shotgun! Apatow Finds New YouTube Youth Scribe

You may not have heard of Bo Burnham yet, but the 18 year-old (virgin?) Youtube comedian/songwriter is soon to hit it big. Unlike most people his age, who are worrying about their college classes and trying to hit 5th base, Burnham is soon to work with comedy’s best friend, Judd Apatow.

Burnham earned a decent following on Youtube (49th Most Subscribed – All Time) and has taken the initiative to write a screenplay that utilizes his creative/offensive (“like handi-capped porn”) lyrics. “I’m writing the main character as named Bo, so that’s a not-so-subtle hint I want to be in it,” said Burnham, “I don’t know who else would perform my songs [in the movie].” He’s a charismatic kid who is extremely clever with his words and would do very well in a self-penned project.
Burnham’s calling his screenplay an anti-“High School Musical,” even though he made sure to broadcast that it is NOT a parody of the tween sensation.
Burnham met up with Judd Apatow at Montreal’s Just for Laughs comedy fest this past July. Apatow wasn’t available for comment due to the commencement of filming for “Funny People,” but his PR agency confirmed that the two are in a working relationship.
Apatow has put his trust in the hands of a youth before. He hired Seth Rogen to write three episodes of “Undeclared” when he was only 18.
You can check out all 13 of his videos here, but for now we will leave you with our favorite…[Wired]