“A Real Movie Wouldn’t Do That”: Christopher Nolan Rejected Marvel-Style Comedy Coda On 'Man Of Steel'

Man of Steel, Snyder, Nolan, SetWhile I think the Marvel vs. DC debate in comic circles is a bit silly (particularly when people look at movie titles for blockbusters that haven’t been made yet and declare one superior to the other), there are of course differences in approach. Marvel didn’t get to the billion-dollar-grossing "The Avengers" by not being a bit more populist and light-hearted in their approach, while DC is going down the grittier, more realistic path to try and distinguish themselves. But no matter how you feel about either stable of movies, this latest revelation will likely stoke the Marvel vs. DC arguments all over again.

As folks know, Nolan lent his name and some input as a producer on Warner Bros.‘ Superman reboot "Man Of Steel." Among Nolan’s instructions for director Zack Snyder, was a request that the filmmaker learn how objects move at high velocity. But he was also protective of Snyder and the movie too.

According to The Guardian, Warner Bros. — likely having been astounded by the haul of "The Avengers" the year before — asked Snyder to add a Marvel-style post-credits scene to "Man Of Steel." And according to the paper, Nolan’s reply was simple: “A real movie wouldn’t do that.”

From the usually reserved and diplomatic Nolan, this is a pretty sharp shot across the bow (though obviously one said behind closed doors). But it makes clear the filmmaker’s longstanding insistence, through all his movies, that they retain a level of grounded reality, and not pander to an audience. And certainly, when you see "Interstellar" this weekend, filled with lots of scientific lingo, Nolan will only hold your hand for so long.

There’s not much else to say, but we’re sure many will have their own feelings about Nolan’s jab at Marvel’s cinematic tradition. Let us know your thoughts below.