Anne Hathaway Interested In A 'Catwoman' Movie, But Only With The "Right People"

null“For me, Gotham and these characters, I’m done. I’ve told our story and I’m moving on,” director Christopher Nolan said earlier this month when asked about a "Catwoman" movie for Anne Hathaway, while adding: “I certainly think she deserves it, she’s incredible.”

And indeed, Catwoman in "The Dark Knight Rises" is far cry from Eartha Kitt or even Michelle Pfeiffer's memorable turn in Tim Burton's "Batman Returns" (the less said about the Halle Berry incarnation, the better). Fitting into Chris and Jonathan Nolan and David Goyer's textured world, where superheroes carry with them emotional and psychological complexities, Selina Kyle battles doing something for the greater good versus her own survival and self-interest. There's a lot to potentially explore, and Hathaway certainly brought an easily one note character the depth the role and movie required, but will she step into the latex again?

"I'm interested if he's interested," she told Digital Spy when asked about Nolan's comments above. "I think it would be lovely to see more of her but only if it's with the right people. She lives in this Gotham City and so it would have to be established by the people who have made this Gotham City. For me, at least."

So, basically, don't get your hopes up. However, it would be naive to think that Warner Bros. won't be kicking the idea around the old conference table in the weeks to come, and perhaps hoping that Nolan will take on some kind of executive producer/godfather position as he did on "Man Of Steel" to help move along a Catwoman movie. That beind said, "The Dark Knight Rises" as a film — and as a trilogy altogether — is so calibrated and contained, that breaking out of it would be challenging task to make it feel organic. Can it be done? Would you like to a Hathaway-led "Catwoman" movie? Let us know below.