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TIFF ’09: Day Three

It's the same running-ragged story with little chances to write. One can only hope to survive and stay in the game.Day 3 began with Jean-Pierre Jeunet's "Micmacs," picking up exactly where the magical, whimsica...
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New Nike Ad: Bringing You A Fincher Fix

While waiting for "The Social Network" to get rolling, David Fincher's been keeping busy going back to his old trade: directing TV ads. This spot for Nike Pro Combat features Vikings running back Adrian Peterso...
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TIFF ’09 Review: ‘The Informant!’

There's a moment late in the third act of Steven Soderbergh's whirlygig whistleblower farce "The Informant!" (the exclamation point is key) that makes you totally reassess the whole movie. It's not a twist, per...
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TIFF ’09: Day Two

A bit more sleep and a shower (finally) makes it all go down somewhateasier, but the on-the-run food and increasing carpal tunnel syndrome issues don't help. Also, obey the cardinal rule: avoid other festival-g...