Favorite 2018 Moments, Top 10 Films & Plenty Of Time To Gush Over 'Beale Street' [AYT Podcast]

On this episode of Adjust Your Tracking, Joe and I look back at another strong year for cinema and compile our lists for the best films of 2018. We go through them rather quickly, as we’ve discussed most these films on previous episodes already. (Check the AYT back catalog here!) We also find time to highlight some of our favorite and/or most memorable moments in movies near the end. In between, we discuss a new release in theaters that made both our lists: Barry Jenkins‘ “If Beale Street Could Talk.”

READ MORE: The 25 Best Films Of 2018

Needless to say, we adore the film and think you should definitely see in theaters this year. Below, you can find our top ten lists of 2018 for reference. Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next year!

Adjust Your Tracking – BEST FILMS OF 2018

Erik McClanahan

  1. “You Were Never Really Here”
  2. “Roma”
  3. “Burning”
  4. “Mandy”
  5. “Annihilation”
  6. “Hereditary”
  7. “If Beale Street Could Talk”
  8. “Shoplifters”
  9. “The Favourite”
  10. “Suspiria”

LISTEN: Does Netflix Really Care That Audiences Are Showing Up At Cinemas For ‘Roma’ & ‘Buster Scruggs’? [Adjust Your Tracking]

Joe von Appen

  1. “You Were Never Really Here”
  2. “Thoroughbreds”
  3. “Burning”
  4. “Annihilation”
  5. “Mandy”
  6. “Roma”
  7. “If Beale Street Could Talk”
  8. (tie) “Destroyer” / “First Reformed”
  9. “Shoplifters”
  10. (tie) “Minding The Gap” / “Won’t You Be My Neighbor”

LISTEN: “The Favourite” & “Shoplifters” Are Two Of The Best Films Of The Year [AYT Podcast]

All episodes of Adjust Your Tracking are part of The Playlist Podcast Network and can be found on Overcast, iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher or right here on the podcast section of The Playlist. You can stream or download the podcast via the Soundcloud embed below or up top. Or, feel free to dig even deeper into our recent archives. Leave us a review and rating there if you’re so inclined and help spread the word on our podcast. Find and follow AYT on TwitterFacebook and of course, do the same for The Playlist.

READ MORE: The 100 Most Anticipated Films Of 2019

Click here for our complete coverage of the best and worst of 2018.