When I sat down and talked with “Captain America: Civil War” screenwriters Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus last month, my wide-ranging conversation with them made it very clear that while they had a massive canvas to play with in penning the blockbuster, each move was carefully considered. The duo put an importance on making sure each story beat has a logical character motivation behind it, and even the action sequences are approached with meticulous design in mind, aiming to balance thrills while keeping the story moving forward.
And so perhaps it’s not a surprise to see something like a fight between Black Widow and Captain America left on the cutting room floor of ‘Civil War.’ In fact, it never even got filmed, but storyboard artist Darrin Denlinger shared his work online, which reveals the former friends, placed on opposite sides during ‘Civil War,’ would’ve rumbled during the airport hangar sequence. Apparently the sequence wound up being cut for time, but given that Black Widow eventually softens her position in opposing Captain America later in the film, perhaps this fight would’ve made the shift a bit more difficult to believe.
Check it out below and let us know what you think. In terms of pure entertainment, I would’ve preferred this over anything involving Hawkeye, but that’s just me. [Movie Pilot]