Breaking! Jerry Bruchheimer To Produce Action Film!

Astounding news out of Hollywood today. Jerry Bruckheimer is producing an action film that will be replete with explosions, a quadruple-digit body count, car chases and violence that will effect and destroy civilian life and reek human havoc and disaster.

The film called “Killing Rommel,” will be about killing a guy named Rommel. Other sources, like Variety, claim the movie will chronicle a British battalion’s attempt to thwart German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel’s desert campaign in WWII, but this doesn’t seem quite senseless enough, so we find this report to be extremely dubious.

More likely, the project is about a guy living on the edge with a pickup truck and a shotgun who drives like a heroic maniac through traffic only killing less than three toddlers and two baby seals.

More as this story develops…