Brett Ratner In Talks To Direct 'Hercules'

Have you been anxiously awaiting a new Hercules movie? No? Well one is coming along anyway. Brett Ratner is in talks to direct a new live-action film adaptation of “Hercules” that will be produced Avi Lerner and his Millennium/Nu Image films.

Ratner has been eyeing a few projects for his next feature gig, with none of them panning out yet. He was once in talks to direct “Conan” for Millenium/Nu Image but that gig eventually went to Marcus Nispel (“Pathfinder,” “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”). His name has also been tossed in the ring to potentially take over the director’s chair of “The Hobbit” but that will probably never happen, so now he’s back considering a different swords and sandals film with a muscular, sweaty guy in the lead. But this isn’t the only “Hercules” project knocking around town as Spyglass has “Hercules: The Thracian Wars“based on a five-issue comic book series by Steve Moore. The project was originally attached to Peter Berg but he has since moved on to “Battleship.”

Can’t say we care too much about “Hercules” (or “Conan” for that matter). That said, it will undoubtedly be better than previous incarnations starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno…..actually, maybe not.