Brian Grazer Shoots Down Rumors Of Meta 'Arrested Development' Movie Storyline

Weeks before the big announcement at the New Yorker Festival earlier this month, a rumor had leaked about potential details of a “Arrested Development” film, noting that it would center on “Ron Howard [as he] is making a movie about the Bluths using an A-List cast. But Dr. Tobias plays himself because nobody wants to play him in the movie. The Bluths decide to make their own movie in contention with Ron Howard’s.”

While such rumors are easily shrugged off as rubbish, this one seemed to have a little more merit, as it sounded twisted and hilarious enough to be from Hurwitz, and seemed to somewhat tie in with the television series’ conclusion. As quickly as the rumor permeated, though, producer Brian Grazer has now taken the opportunity to shoot it down, with MTV reporting that Grazer “denied rumors that the plot would follow Ron Howard as he tries to make a movie based on the series’ characters the Bluths.”

After years of speculation and innuendo, a recent cast reunion finally saw some concrete news with the show’s creators and cast unveiling plans to produce a 10-part television series — a fourth season so to speak — focusing on each character, which would ultimately lead into a feature film being aimed for a 2013 release. Things aren’t quite ready yet, with studios still to come on board, but things are starting to look more optimistic.

“I really have to say, we’ve talked about this, we’re all game, we hated being coy, we’ve been trying to put together this more ambitious idea and I think we’re very close, the script is halfway done and we have to get the film companies on board,” Hurwitz explained the New Yorker Fest event. And if there was any doubt that this was simply more BS, MTV also added that Grazer had, in fact, “seen some of the script by series creator Mitch Hurwitz.” At the very least, it looks like a script (or part of one) actually exists!