Bryan Cranston Confirms That The Final Season Of 'Breaking Bad' Will Be Cooked Up Into Two Separate Batches

nullWhile many fans will probably just exclaim “Why can’t we just watch it already, Yo!,” patience is certainly a virtue when it comes to the highly anticipated return of the Vince Gilligan-created AMC series “Breaking Bad.” A show that actually needs no introduction at this point, it’s long been rumored that the fifth and final season would be split into two separate halves, much like all young adult adaptations do nowadays in an effort to milk fans' anticipation. And well, looks like that will be the case.

Cranston told EW from the set of filming season five’s premiere that “we’re going to shoot the first eight, then take a four-month production break, then the rest will air next year.” Confirming what many have believed for a while, there is no set premiere date for the first half, but cast and crew seem to be pointing their collective finger towards July on the calendar.

Both AMC and Sony TV seem apprehensive about announcing any official plans yet, especially because they will be losing one of their marquee shows when “Breaking Bad” goes off the air. Anyway, the rest of the EW article is a little spoiler-filled if you're still catching up with season four, so we'll leave it here and encourage you to find some way to get up to speed with what is easily one of television’s best shows before the season five premiere this summer.