'Cars 2' Gets 'World Grand Prix' Subtitle?

The ever-observant Jim Hill over at Jim Hill Media has pointed out that Disney has registered a host of domain names with a connection to the forthcoming “Cars” sequel, set for release in the summer of 2011 (This is right around the time that the expansive Cars Land opens up at the revamped Disney’s California Adventure theme park).

And what is the subtitle? Well, it appears to be “World Grand Prix,” or something to that affect, which is kind of ungainly and awkward, but keeps in line with the film’s logline, which has the anthropomorphic cars (voiced by Owen Wilson, Bonnie Hunt, etc.) traveling to Europe to engage in international races.

Well, as dopey as the subtitle is and uninspiring as its plot may be, it doesn’t matter much to Disney. This sequel is arguably their most callously DreamWorks-ian bid for commercial viability. The original was, while gorgeous and occasionally thrilling, mostly story deficient, but again, who fucking cares when $5 billion (YES, BILLION) worth of “Cars”-related merchandise has sold since the original film’s release in the summer of 2006. [Jim Hill Media] – Drew Taylor