Casey Affleck: Crazy As Joaquin Phoenix?

Cinemablend’s Katey Rich had the pleasure of sitting down with rapper/coked-out of his mind former actor Joaquin Phoenix at a junket recently while his sidekick Casey Affleck and camera crew watched disapprovingly from the corner.

During the awkward interview with Joaquin, in which he in no way mentioned the movie he is being paid to promote (“Two Lovers”), a journalist acknowledged the heavily-bearded elephant in the room by asking Phoenix if his rap career was a put on. This apparently didn’t go over well with Affleck, who after the interview lectured the writers on the normalcy of career changes.

“He came back in, sat us back down, and asked us to explain just why we didn’t believe that his brother-in-law Joaquin was being anything less than genuine,” recalled Rich. She also added that ” at no point did he seem to drop his position that we were the crazy ones, that people change careers all the time…and to prove his point he actually went around the room and had us list all the jobs we’ve had before, and what we really want to be doing.”

Wow, either the hoax has gotten more elaborate with Affleck now playing a the role of the delusional best friend, or this could be the beginning of full-scale movie star meltdown. We are hoping for the later, but something tells us it might just be a weird, semi-hoax.