About this time last year, there were big questions about "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit." In fact, Paramount‘s reboot of the Tom Clancy character was originally scheduled to open on Christmas Day, and even though it was pushed into January, there were still big hopes pinned on the film. Not only was the studio looking at a potential new franchise, there were even talks of spinoff movies centering on Kevin Costner‘s grizzled intelligence agent. But the movie was a bomb (it opened in fourth place) and eventually crawled to $135 million worldwide — hardly the figures that justify a sequel — with everyone quietly moving on to other projects. But for star Chris Pine, it’s still a movie that seems to be weighing on his mind, and when asked about the possibility of a followup, he explained why it won’t happen.
"No. I don’t think it made enough money for that to happen," he told Moviefone. "That’s one of my deep regrets, that we didn’t totally get that right. It’s a great franchise and if it’s not me then I hope it gets a fifth life at this point. It’s just great. I love the spy genre. I hope it’s done again and with a great story."
Fair enough, and a pretty honest and sincere answer from the actor. But Pine can probably rest easy that we live in a world where studios never wait too long to throw millions of dollars at an idea all over again, if there’s even a whisper of a chance it will become a new money-making machine. But nearly a year later, what do you think? Was "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit" treated too harshly? Should they try again? Let us know below.