Christian Bale Talks 'The Fighter,' Production To Commence Within A Couple Of Weeks?

While on press for “Public Enemies,” Christian Bale has taken to Collider to discuss the status of David O. Russell’s “The Fighter,” which is set to star him and Mark Wahlberg as boxing half-brothers Dickie Ecklund and Irish Micky Ward respectively.

“I hope it is [going to happen]. We might start within a couple of weeks,” said Bale. “It’s a true story of two incredibly gifted boxers who were half brothers. The one, Dickie Ecklund, who fought Sugar Ray Leonard at a very young age, when he was twenty one, was an incredible natural talent. He lived a very hard life. Then he came to train his brother, Irish Mickey Ward, to the world title.”

As Bale’s altered physique was noted by the interviewer, Bale then revealed the involvement of a person of particular interest to his role as Ecklund. “There’s nothing like boxing for getting you in shape. It’s a wonderful thing when your trainer is actually the person you’re playing.”

As a native of Boston, Wahlberg has previously talked about the inspiration he draws from the story of fellow Bostonians, Ward and Ecklund. Their involvement in the film, and possibly that of Bale and O. Russell, may very well be the orchestration of Wahlberg – who’s been on the project since it’s Darren Aronofsky and Brad Pitt days – and such authenticity and passion can only mean good things, right?

Though one sort of has to ask, what does, “I hope it happens,” and it “might start in a couple of weeks” actually mean? Sounds like they’re gearing up for their green light, but they don’t have it yet? We hope so. Some of us read the script last year and thought it was excellent. Bit of a shame that Aronofsky is off the project as it seems more suited to him than O. Russell, but then everyone, including us, tends to forget “Three Kings,” and just how dynamic it was.