Chuck Palahniuk's 'Haunted' Coming Soon...

Chuck Palahniuk, who wrote the novel’s “Fight Club”and “Choke,” is up for another feature film adaptation based on one of his books. This time, the collection of disgusting short stories surrounding a bigger picture, “Haunted.” New School Media will be producing the film which will be written and directed by Koen Mortier, a commercial director who made his feature debut last year at the Toronto Film Festival with “Ex Drummer.”

“Haunted,” was just optioned to Mortier, so it might be a while before we see this. The film will most likely hit screens after the two other upcoming Palahniuk projects, “Invisible Monsters” and “Survivor.”
“Haunted” is mostly known for it’s short story Guts which has made multiple people faint upon swallowing its words. You can read it here. If you have read the book or just Guts, than you will probably be wondering how they will be able to make the film while maintaining Chuck’s detail.
The main problem with “Haunted” for those that haven’t read it, is that Palahniuk has all of these great short stories present, but the added plot that takes place in-between is sloppy. It’s almost (and most likely) as if Chuck had all of the shorts laying around, but was then pressured to put them all together circling a fleshed out uninteresting plot (or a deadline was approaching and this is what was lying around). Let’s hope the film can do better. [Variety]