Clint Mansell Will Scale Ben Wheatley’s 'High-Rise' And Score The Film

High RiseWe’ve already got a number of reasons to be excited for "High-Rise." Of course, there’s director Ben Wheatley. There’s the awesome ensemble cast, which includes Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy Irons, Sienna Miller, Elisabeth Moss, Luke Evans, and Stacy Martin. And now we’ve got the score to get buzzed about.

Film Music Reporter reveals that the great Clint Mansell will score the movie. The composer is probably best known for his work with longtime collaborator Darren Aronofsky ("Black Swan" and "The Fountain" are particular highlights), but he has also lent to his talent to films as diverse as "Filth," "Faster," and "Last Night" (his work on the latter is particularly underrated). Needless to say, we’re very excited to see what he brings to the J.G. Ballard adaptation about what happens when madness and violence envelop a luxury high-rise. 

No release date yet for the film, but fingers are crossed and we’re hoping (and expecting) the movie to show up at Cannes.