Comic-Con 2008 Ends: Nerds Inherit The Earth With 'Twilight,' 'Cloverfield,' 'Tron 2,' Wolverine,' 'Terminator Salvation' News, Trailers & More

Nerds wept and exchanged tearful goodbyes and hotmail addresses on Sunday afternoon as they bid farewell to their version of Christmas, the greatest day of the year, Comic-Con 2008. But they’ll always have the memories and the shit-ton of news and stories that the Nerd Parade bore, no? As per usual, tons of stuff went down at Comic-Con. Here’s a breakdown of the last few days. Our Thurs-Friday wrap-up is here. And hey, even we had one geek tourist embedded in San Diego for a minute too.

– J.J. Abrams sounded fairly serious about ‘Cloverfield 2’ sequel, which sounded as retarded as the first. “It’s not a literal sequel.” [SlashFilm]
– “Twilight” hunk Robert Pattinson inadvertently insulted the throngs of screaming female teen obsessives that are dying to dry-hump him on their parents couch. When asked what he thought about the screaming tweens hot for him he said in a video interview. “It’s terrifying. It’s like the sound you hear at the gates of hell. I wasn’t embarrassed, I was terrified. That [screaming crowd sound], when you don’t know where it’s coming from it’s the most terrifying sound.” [Anne Thompson who is should be noted, blogged the shit out of Comic-Con]
– “Twilight” hottie Pattison continues to freak out about the “horrifying” fans. [MTV]
– Footage of McG’s “Terminator Salvation” was shown and the dorks were apparently impressed (“consider our minds officially blown.”). Apparently Christopher Nolan’s brother, Jonathan Nolan was the lead writer of the reboot sci-fi flick (he helped pen a little film called, “The Dark Knight”), though he is uncredited on the film’s IMDB page and it sounds like a committee of writers have joined since his participation. [Cinemablend/Slash]
– ‘Salvation’ production designer Martin Laing said of the film’s rating, which has been rumored to be set for PG-13. “McG wants to make the best movie. He’s not constrained. It will be PG-13 or R; we’re trying for PG-13.”
– It wasn’t just us that was bored to tears. Everyone seemed to be completely underwhelmed by everything Frank Miller had to offer at “The Spirit” panel. Anne Thompson called it “strictly narrow niche,” which is an amusing little euphemism and others called it a “complete bomb.” [Cinemablend]
Meanwhile, Miller said he “knows nothing” about a “300” prequel. Wait, wasn’t it just announced that he would be writing this thing? PS, he seems like the weirdest dude. [MTV]
– “There’s quite a lot of intense action sequences in the stories; sometimes that hasn’t been reflected in the movies. I want to make a very contemporary film as far as the tone and texture. It’s exciting for me to do a period piece, that’s a departure.” – Guy Ritchie talks his adaptation of “Sherlock Holmes” starring Robert Downey Jr. [L.A. Times]
– The teaser trailer for “Tron 2” starring Jeff Bridges leaked online and then was yanked down super quick [Slash/YouTube].
– Sam Raimi said he’d love to do another “Evil Dead” film with Bruce Campbell [Geeks Of Doom]
– Trailers for “X-Men Origins: Wolverine leaked online after Comic-Con. Part 1 and Part 2 while supplies last. [Trailer Addict]
– Hugh Jackman said he’s be game for an “Avengers” crossover with his Wolverine character, but since its totally different studios that own the properties, the chances of this ever happening seem to be slim. [MTV]
-Alex Proyas’ footage of “Knowing” with Nicolas Cage severely underwhelmed the Comic-Con crowd. [Anne Thompson]
– Not that anyone really gives a damn anymore, but Wes Craven said the idea for “Scream 4” is in talks. [MTV]

Watch it while it last: “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” trailer