What is it with pinhead geek websites? You guys should own the whole super-hero realm thingy. You cover each and every day very reverently.
Anyhow, USA Today runs a non-story today where “Iron Man” director Jon Favreau said that the heroes Marvel is looking at to star in the “Avengers” movie are Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man and Iron Man. Ok, and? This is news? Well, apparently to half the movie geek websites out there it is despite the fact that Marvel announced all the properties they own months ago (just one example) and they were all the names above and all one-time Avengers members.
Plus, we swear we’ve read Marvel head David Maisel say this a million times and we don’t really pay that much attention [ed. apparently you pay more attention than others]. Kind of annoying…
Also, DC Comics is in trouble, right? And evidently, DC Comics Executive Editor Dan DiDio is on the way outs. Why? Well, outside of the failing comic books themselves, because D.C. has failed to get any of their comic book film properties going outside of the Batman series. Nikki Finke writes what sounds like one big rehash of what our comic book expert friend already wrote in a lengthy post about why DC is fucked thanks to Marvel’s film success. A very prescient post, if we do say so ourselves.