Crispin Glover Has A 'Making My Lunch!'-Like Meltdown

Looks like Crispin Glover has had another freakout, albiet a slightly milder one it seems.

Glover was in Phoenix promoting his “deeply weird art film “What Is It?,” which features actors afflicted with Down syndrome, naked chicks, swastikas, and a butt-load of dead snails.” [full disclosure, we sadly have not seen this yet, but were dying to do so when it first came out in 2005).

Glover’s eccentric behavior and odd demands for being paid in cash at the end of the evening for every appearance started to grate on the mom n’ pop indie art house that was putting on his film.

“He wanted it in all the nice, new bills because he takes his money to the Czech Republic, where he has land or a castle or something,” Beesley-Brown the owner of the local Chandler Cinemas said. “Apparently, he has to take all the nice bills over there because the Czechs won’t take ripped bills.”

At one point he apparently freaked out and went apeshit on a young projectionist for what he believed was a fuck-up on her part.

“He built himself up into this very stressed state of mind, pacing and gradually raising his voice, not really letting anyone have a word in edgewise. He made it clear that he felt we had damaged his film and wasn’t going to be satisfied until we agreed that we were going to pay for the replacement.” The story goes back and forth and back and forth and, zzzzz…..

Hey, this scene with Crispin Glover from “Wild At Heart” is one of the greatest random and very brief flashbacks in the history of cinema! It is a constant source of amusement (wish we could find the whole thing, but it’s not that much longer). Crispin Glover’s notorious appearance on David Letterman is always a riot too [watch it here].