Dan Aykroyd & Harold Ramis Have Very Different Ideas When 'Ghostbusters 3' Will Hit Theaters

Last week, Bill Murray thought he put the monster to sleep. Much like the “Arrested Development” film, there’s been a lot of non-news and speculation on a third “Ghostbusters” film for quite some time now. And, much like Jason Bateman’s take on the media taking any little piece of info they can and running wild with it, Murray came out last week and said that the third film is “just a myth” and that “all this talk is just talk.”

Not to be deterred, both Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd have now stepped up to the plate with conflicting release date news. Both still say the film is happening, and end up giving two vague release dates, a year apart. Ramis says that the film “has now become real” and will arrive “Christmas 2012.” On the other hand, Aykroyd says the film “should start filming this Fall, presumably for a 2011 release.” And we all know what Murray says. They also might want to find out if Ivan Reitman is still directing because last we heard, Columbia was trying to boot him out of the director’s chair.

So here’s a prime example of when everyone should probably just keep their mouth shut until things are definite. We’re not terribly excited for a third “Ghostbusters” film, especially since it seems to be getting built up with all this pre-production (heck, pre-pre-production) nonsense. With all three of the actors now on completely different pages, and Reitman possibly not on any page at all, the signs are not good.

Interested fans could take the fact that 2 out of the 3 say it will happen, nix Murray’s comment, and just expect a release between 2011 and Christmas 2012. Honestly though, without an approved script in place, and no official greenlight, this is all just chatter (which is driving Murray bananas). Until these guys actually sit down with one another and decide what they’re going to do, the speculation will continue, but with each star contradicting the other, and no solid info coming out, you can’t trust you what they, or anybody, has to say. Unfortunately, just like “Arrested Development,” these guys are going to be asked about the film in every interview, so expect all kinds of non-news about it in the future.