Danny Boyle Quashes 'Bond 23' Rumors

We should all stop posting anything the U.K. Sun ever “reports” because lord knows 90% of what they publish is complete unsubstantiated rumor rubbish, but like everyone one else, the juicy glint of possibility is sometimes too hard to resist.

We were cynical when we heard the news that Danny Boyle had been offered the next, 23rd installment of the Bond franchise, but we still prayed to Baby Jesus that he wouldn’t be involved just in case.

Well, anyhow, rumor killed he won’t be directing it, and sounds like he was never offered the gig. “I enjoy the Bond movies, always have and always will, but I have no plans to direct one. I don’t know who came up with the story, but please tell them I’m very flattered to be thought of!” Next.

The idea that Boyle may be entertaining a remake of the musical “My Fair Lady” is an interesting one and we’d much rather have him do that than some ridiculous mainstream action piece. Fortunately, he’s better and above most of that crap. And being the genre-hopper he is, we’re sure his next project will be equally as an atypical choice as the rest of his career has been so far.

BTW, the latest retardation: reports assuming — after the fact that Boyle has already said he won’t do Bond — that “Slumdog Millionaire” composer A.R. Rahman will do the music for Bond if Boyle is along. Uhhh…