Danny Boyle Replaces David Fincher On Steve Jobs Biopic, Leonardo DiCaprio Could Star

Boyle, Jobs biopic, Sorkin

Well, that didn’t take long. Just one week after word came out that David Fincher won’t be directing the Steve Jobs biopic for Sony (and let’s be clear, he was never really attached; the negotiations just never worked out), another big name is now being lined up.

THR reports that Danny Boyle is in talks to direct, and even more, the filmmaker has already approached his “The Beach” star Leonardo DiCaprio to take the lead role. But “approached” hardly means “attached,” and depending on when the studio wants to get this moving, the actor could be unavailable, as he’s already slated to shoot Alejandro González Iñárritu‘s “The Revenant” this fall, for a 2015 release. That said, the structure of Aaron Sorkin‘s script doesn’t indicate it will be a cradle-to-grave look at the tech innovator’s life.

Instead, the script utilizes three 30-minute scenes to capture the Mac, NeXT, and iPod product launches, based in 1984, 1997, and 2001 respectively. So, it will require some physical transformation for the actor taking on the role, but it seems we’re looking at some pretty self-contained sequences. It’s an interesting approach and one that certainly finds Jobs at some very crucial milestones in this career.

So, can Danny Boyle be the one to finally get this off the ground? And will we really see DiCaprio in the lead? We’re guessing at least one of these things will be confirmed at the end of the day.