David Fincher's 'Chef' Movie With Keanu Reeves Is A Reality, And A "Sex Comedy," No Really...

Turns out that David Fincher/Keanu Reeves cooking movie, “Chef” is actually a reality.

MTV caught up with the director and he spilled the beans on the idea. First off he says it’s not an adaptation of Anthony Bourdain’s best-selling memoir “Kitchen Confidential,” a project Fincher was attached to in 2001 called, “Seared,” that was to star Brad Pitt.

“ ‘Seared’ was a defunct property at New Line. They decided to go ahead and make ‘Kitchen Confidential’ as a [television] series. This is an original script that’s very funny.” A comedy for Fincher? First it’s a love story (‘Benjamin Button’) and now a comedy, huh? Sounds like the dark and moody auteur is switching gears.

“It’s good and chewy,” Fincher told MTV already adopting foodie verbiage. “It’s like a celibate sex comedy if that means anything. It’s really about the creative process. It’s truly an aromatic art-form, making food. I love that idea. And I love Keanu’s passion for that world.”

Weird. Let’s just hope it’s nothing like, “No Reservations” with Aaron Eckhart and Catherine Zeta Jones (and that overrated brat Abigail Breslin; how they hell did she ever pull off an Oscar nomination?). We’d ask aloud what the Fincher fanatics thought about this but most of his obsessives are so in love with him they’d probably regard news of the director filming drying paint with feverish anticipation.