David Koepp Gets Back On The Merry-Go-Round Of Writers On 'Men In Black 3'

How much messier can the production of “Men In Black 3” get? At this rate, the making of the film is going to be far more interesting than the film itself.

Just to recap: Last month, production on the film — which had already slotted in a break in filming of a couple of months — was delayed further as Jeff Nathanson (“Catch Me If You Can” and “Rush Hour 2”) was hired to give yet another polish to the script. That’s right, polishing a script to a film that they are in the midst of shooting. Etan Cohen of “Tropic Thunder” wrote the original draft of the script, David Koepp (”Panic Room,” “Spider-Man”) gave it a second touch-up and Nathanson did the third pass and latest work on the film. But it appears even more work is still needed.

Deadline reports that David Koepp has been brought back on board to try and get the script into shape as the film heads back in front of cameras on March 28th. It would seem that Hollywood never learns from there mistakes and this film is threatening to become a cliché of a cautionary tale of the highest order.

The time-traveling sequel (which is the stuff that’s still yet to be shot) will follow Agent J (Will Smith) who has to travel back to 1969 and team with Agent K (Josh Brolin playing the younger Tommy Lee Jones) to save the world. Alice Eve will play Olivia, the beautiful secretary of the Agency (Emma Thompson will play the same character in the present day portions of the film).

Sony insists the film will hit their release date as director Barry Sonnenfield has put together the footage he’s already shot. So any worries about the film being delayed are likely for nought, as it’s still on track to hit theaters — in some shape or form — on May 25, 2012.