Davis Guggenheim Comes To His Senses, Drops Justin Bieber 3D Biopic

We have to admit, it was sort of mind-boggling when it was announced yesterday that Davis Guggenheim, who has an Oscar on his mantle for “An Inconvenient Truth,” had signed to direct a 3D make-girls-cry, make-everyone-else-cringe biopic of teen sensation Justin Bieber.

Well, the director has come to his senses (or been teased enough by his colleagues) and has withdrawn from the project less than twenty four hours since the news broke. Guggenheim has claimed that his schedule will just be too busy doing press rounds for “Waiting For Superman” to devote the time required for Bieber’s grueling, psychologically taxing project.

No word yet on a replacement but Paramount seems to think directors are going to line up to direct this thing because of Bieber’s involvement. Hell, why not up the ante? Let Bieber direct the film himself.