Don't Talk To Anyone, Don't Touch Anyone: New Posters & Pics From Steven Soderbergh's 'Contagion'

Steven Soderbergh‘s “Contagion” is just a couple of weeks away from strutting its stuff down the red carpet in Venice and one month from opening in a theater near you, so get ready to be infected by Warner Bros.‘ marketing department.

After a poster, a trailer and a couple of TV spots, six brand new character-based one sheets and a couple of new stills from the film have arrived and if there is a prevailing message here it’s this: don’t get sick. Coated with sickly, phlegmy, yellowish sheen, the posters certainly don’t hold back on the ick factor and that seems to be a key factor to the campaign in getting asses in the seats for this one.

According to the New York Times, you can expect the fear factor to be turned up a notch as the release date draws closer, with producers Participant Media directing folks to the Take Part community action website, which has all kinds of tips (such as How To Sneeze — seriously — see below) and info on how to survive a potential outbreak, with the promise of more info and videos to come including profiles of real life virus hunters. As some have told us already, “Contagion” is genuinely frightening because the scenarios it conjures up could very easily become a reality.

“Contagion” opens on September 9th. [Posters via Yahoo]