'Drive' Now Being Blamed By Guy Who Threw A Hot Dog At Tiger Woods

Besides being one of the best movies of the year, “Drive” has also seemingly become a magnet for crazy people. There is the Detroit woman you heard about over the weekend who sued FilmDistrict because “Drive” wasn’t “Fast Five” and she (idiotically) claimed it promoted violence against Jewish people. Well, it seems Ryan Gosling crushing a man’s face to bits has “inspired” another deranged individual.

We don’t watch golf, but apparently Brandon Kelly from Petaluma, Calif. had nothing better to do last Sunday than to show up at the Frys.com Open and throw a hot dog at Tiger Woods for some reason. Worst of all, despite all that effort, it didn’t even land anywhere near the golfer (see the video below). Attempting to explain his actions Kelly told the Santa Rosa Press Democrat (via THR), “I threw the hot dog toward Tiger Woods because I was inspired by the movie ‘Drive.’ As soon as the movie ended, I thought to myself, ‘I have to do something courageous and epic. I have to throw a hot dog on the green in front of Tiger.’”

Of couse, had he thrown a box of Chinese food, that would have made a bit more sense, but how he equates “courageous and epic” with “throwing mystery meat at a celebrity” is a leap of logic we can’t quite make out. So what will “Drive” inspire next? Who can say, but hardware stores may want to hide their hammers until the movie is out of theaters. [Tiger Woods image from Hollywood Gossip]
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