Eddie Murphy To Star In Another Shitty Film An R-Rated Road Trip/Talking Animals Film?

Someone spiked the water cooler over at the Paramount lot, because in what must have been a hallucinogen based trip, an executive at the studio has bought a pitch by Sam Pitman and Adam Cole-Kelly for Eddie Murphy that is described as “a road trip pic through New York featuring talking animals, and with an element of social comedy reminiscent of Murphy’s 1980’s hit “Trading Places.” But we didn’t tell you crazy part yet.

It’s going to be R-rated.

In what is just one more of the ongoing and delusional career choices by Eddie Murphy, he’s essentially decided to make “Dr. Doolittle” with F-bombs. But we suppose it could be worse like “Imagine That 3” or something. Maybe the R-Rated nature will bring back the funny in an absurdist way? Talking animals cursing up a storm? Sounds so bad it could be ridiculous fun. We don’t know if Murphy just hates other actors, loves CGI or can only work with himself, but we are continually flummoxed as to why the actor (and one time amazing comedian) continues to saddle himself with these inane projects. It sounds misguided, but with possible language and off-color humor maybe it could be an amazing trainwreck? Like imagine a heavy-R-Rated Tim Allen movie (or a R-Rated “Wild Hogs”)? That could be kind of interesting, no?

But, it’s almost like the guy just doesn’t care anymore and maybe with the money he has (into the gazillions) he just doesn’t give a rat’s ass. Who needs cred when you’re that stinking rich? With Marlon Wayans now taking the role everybody thought Murphy was a lock for — Richard Pryor in a biopic about his life — the actor is now clinging to the forever in development “Beverly Hills Cop IV” as his comeback cred vehicle. But you know what? He probably doesn’t even really give a shit about that one either. Murphy has long since been satisfied signing big checks and slumming it through material way below his (once potent) talent. Why? Eh, because he can.

At least we still have our “Raw” and “Delirious” DVDs kicking around to remind us that the guy was actually once relevant and seriously funny.