Emma Watson To Star In Guillermo Del Toro Produced 'Beauty And The Beast'

The list of Guillermo Del Toro produced films long ago surpassed the levels of being absurd and comically long but what the hell, he’s just added another one but unlike the myriad of other projects in various stages of development this one has a pretty big name already attached.

Producer Denise Di Novi was feeling a little chatty during the press rounds in New York City recently, as she told ComingSoon that she’s developing a new “Beauty And The Beast” film with Guillermo Del Toro producing and Emma Watson set to star. And that’s about all the details there are at the moment. Undoubtedly, the new project will be a much more Del Toro-y take on the material than ever before, perhaps skewing for an older audience as Hermione is now all growns up and probably looking to try some edgier roles on for size. She’s already got two decidedly non-special effects heavy, non-franchise movies on the way with a role in “My Week With Marilyn” which hits this fall and she heads up the adaptation of “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” which will land sometime next year.

Of course, “Beauty And The Beast” has been adapted countless time for film and television, with the notable versions being the massive Disney cartoon (obviously) and the cult show starring Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman that aired in the late ’80s. But the subject material has also provided fodder for less fare like Alex Pettyfer‘s “Beastly” but for our money the crowning adaptation is still Jean Cocteau’s enchanting 1946 film which to this day remains a dazzling visual wonder. However, Del Toro is no stranger to creating unique set pieces himself so we’re curious to see what kind of stamp he’ll put on the material (and moreover, who will be tasked to direct it). But in the midst of this ongoing fairy tale trend, there is probably no one better qualified to deliver a film in the genre than Del Toro.

No timelines yet or even word on who will write it, but for now, Del Toro is hard at work on his monster movie “Pacific Rim” which gears up to shoot later this year for a July 12, 2013 release.